North Mountain Farms is a small group of organic grass-fed farmers.
Cliff and Maggie Hawbaker own and operate Hamilton Heights Dairy Farm in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. They are the sixth generation on the farm and enjoy raising their family in the dairy business. The certified organic dairy milks 150 cows and is also 100% grass certified. The dairy herd is pastured throughout the year on grass. Their diet consists of grass and sweet hay which makes for excellent healthy, tasty milk.
Emerald Valley Dairy is operated by Daniel and Mindy Lehman. The farm is located in Newville, PA. The dairy herd consists of 160 certified organic cows and is also 100% grass-fed certified. The animals are rotated daily on over 50 paddocks, giving the livestock fresh pasture every day.
Rock Hollow Dairy is operated by the Hertzler Family and located in the rolling hills of central Pennsylvania. The heritage breed cows have been grazing these hills since 1994 and have been certified organic since 2017. The cows are on an all forage diet and are grazed over 250 days per year.