Who We Are
Our Purpose
North Mountain Farms is a community of individual farms producing raw milk (organic, non-GMO, grass-fed) for specialized processors and co-packing companies to deliver maximum value and positive outcomes for members.

Our Products
We sell high quality cheese and milk.
Our products come from our Certified Organic farms where cows are grazed over 250 days per year.
We are 100% Grass-Fed, Non-GMO Project verified and FARM certified.
Grass-fed milk has a natural sweetness and golden color. It has good healthy fats, including Omega 3 fatty acids, that are good for digestion which are not present in other milk. The best source of the Omega 3 is retained in butter and cheese that has been made from grass-fed milk.
Our Core Values
We believe cows do best on grass and nutrient dense milk starts with healthy soil.
We believe in working with local farms who share the same passion of cows on grass and in harmony with nature.
The milk products have a sweet unique flavor created from healthy cows eating a mixture of different grasses, legumes and forbs grown from healthy microbial and fungi rich soils. The healthy soils are achieved by animal impact and rotational grazing which is moving the cows frequently to different pastures then giving the grass a 30 to 40 day rest to recover. Cows eat the best grasses, trample the residue, and leave their animal waste allowing the plants to regrow from the energy of the sun. Thus the phrase ‘fat grass, fat cows’ equals nutrient dense milk products.
Regenerative soils and sustainability allow the plants to feed the soil life and grazing cows. The plants regrow and set seed so that the soil, plants, and cows all work together in sync feeding and reproducing themselves.